Friday, June 11, 2010

I'll Be Seeing You

Came across this article on a LinkedIn news feed recently.

I have a Facebook account but I am not as active as others. I visit Facebook to get up to date on what friends are doing (their lives are so much more interesting than mine) and to see pictures of their adventures.

I also read their comments about the concerns they have about the frequent Facebook changes.

I would be interested in your comments about your experience with Facebook and also any comments you have in regards to the article I linked to.

As a consumer, as a marketer, as anything, if you were to develop an advertising/marketing campaign, how would you do it?

Go crazy - but follow FCC decency rules!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's Not Always What It Seems

I found this PBS article you may find interesting.

I'm interested in your comments.